It’s amazing how inspiration seeks to find you where you least expect it and I couldn’t possibly take a step further into this post without mentioning The Happy Healthy Kiwi’s insightful post The First Trimester. 

That being said, as a man I will never know the sensation of what it feels like to carry and usher life into the world and truth be told I’m 110% okay with that as being able to develop, nurture and bring forth life is nothing short of an act of God…and no…you can’t falsely accuse me of blasphemy until you have at least considered what I have to say.

In my life I have been fortunate enough to witness the birth of both my children and it was through experiencing this profound process I realised just how much power a woman holds and what a raw deal society gives to the very gender that allows our species to continue…

We all know that men have a key role in the conception process and as much as my male ego wants to hold onto the concept of gender equity, I have to bow down and graciously accept the real developmental work takes place within the emotional and physical workings of a woman and something as fundamental as this should not be overlooked…

Yet in some circumstances it is…

You have the biblical book of Genesis; and after being seduced and manipulated into taking a bite of fruit from the Tree of Knowledge, a naïve Eve is inexplicably told by God  (depending on the version you read) something like I will intensify your labour pains; you will bear children in anguish... Which seems like quite a harsh consequence, as you would think that such an important process to keep humanity thriving would be dealt a more compassionate hand?

Yet nothing changes the fact that birthing a child into our reality involves more pain, anguish and hurt than any ballad Adele can perform. It has always seemed a bit of an oddity that in the Christian faith there is an overriding theme and exploration of Fathers and Sons, but generally not much regarding the essential nature of relationships between Mothers and Daughters which is questionable given the fact that in nature the beings that bring forth life tend to be female…unless you’re a sea horse.

This post is not an attempt to dismantle the worth of Fatherhood as one of my favourite things in life is being a Father and I love this role more than Leonardo Dicaprio loves his recently acquired Oscar; but even with my own children I see they possess an undeniable, emotional connection with their mother that would be foolish of me to dare compete against therefore I have no choice but to acknowledge and respect the bond they share.

Disney doesn’t sponsor this post so I’m not suggesting all mothers bask in the glow of perfection…but that’s the point…there is an immeasurable something that just can’t be quantified when it comes to the connection a child feels for their mother regardless of the type or functionality of the relationship. The fact that you & I exist means we are forever indebted to women who possessed the illogical maternal drive to bring us forth into this crazy world and that’s despite feeling immeasurable physical pain during the birthing process…

But what makes this more remarkable is that these mothers freely offer a core emotional foundation for us all. Objectively we are looking at beings who give life and provide unconditional love…sounds like the characteristics of a God to me.

Once again I would like to thank The Happy Healthy Kiwi for the spark of inspiration, I’d also like to thank Lenny Abrahamson for his brilliantly directed film “Room” and most importantly I’d like to thank my own wonderful mother for having the courage to bring me into this crazy existence in the first place!

Until next time.